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Maths Kit
Celebrating the National Mathematics Day!
In this Corona time, when teachers are physically away from their students,
We are bringing a New program to you,
‘Innovative Maths Teaching’
the program has been organized on the occasion of National Mathematics Day on 22nd December.
With this special Program Teachers can cover maximum number of students through their innovative teaching skills.

Srinivasa Ramanujan,
One of the pioneers of mathematics, was born on December 22, 1887.
In 2012, the former Prime Minister of our country, Shri Manmohan Singh, declared the birthday of Srinivasa Ramanujan as
National Mathematics Day.
Everyone Including any citizen, students or Any teacher of primary and secondary standard can participate in this program.
The aim is to make certain basic units of mathematics subject {which are often boring or difficult for the children} easy and interesting by the teacher with his own unique style.

People interested in mathematics, who wish to participate in this program can select any one unit from the list of Mathematics units posted below.
How to do...
- 👉1 to 100 Roman numbers ; chapter 1
- 👉Estimating to the nearest tens/ hundreds by rounding off. Chapter 1
- 👉keys to divisibility ;chapter 3
- 👉What is an equation? what is the difference between equation and inequality equation? ; chapter 11
- 👉Construction of different angles (60, 30,135,120,90,45..) Chapter 14
- 👉What is difference between ratio and proportion explanation with example.; Chapter 14
- 👉Explain concept of complementary angles, supplementary angles, Adjacent angles, linear pair of angles with suitable examples. ; Chapter 5
- 👉Understanding of exterior angle of triangle. Chapter 6
- 👉Percentage Another way of Comparing quantities; Chapter 8
- 👉Concepts of rational numbers, rational number between two rational numbers with appropriate examples. Chapter 9
- 👉basic concepts of Area of triangle and area of circle with how the equations can be derived chapter 11
- 👉Decimal number system expressing large numbers in standard forms chapter 13
- 👉explanation of faces edges and vertices, drawing solids on a flat surface explanation with appropriate example; chapter 15
- 👉Equivalently changeable equations with appropriate examples; chapter 2
- 👉What is the sum of the measures of the angles inside the polygon? Understanding the general formula using polygons with n angles.
- 👉Properties of parallelograms and special parallelograms with appropriate examples; chapter 3
- 👉Method of division for finding square-root with proper example and to estimate the square root chapter 6
- 👉Annual compound interest rate or semi-annual compound interest rate Chapter 8
- 👉Volume of Cube, cuboid, cylinder and its capacity to hold liquids Chapter 11
- 👉An understanding of direct-proportions and inverse proportions with difference between the two Chapter-13
- 👉Factorization meaning and understanding with proper examples. Chapter 14
- 👉The real number and its decimal expression; Chapter 1
- 👉representing real numbers on a number line with a proper example; chapter 1
- 👉criteria for congruence of triangles; chapter 7
- 👉Triangles on the same Base and between the same Parallels; chapter 9
- 👉Circle through Three Points, Equal Chords and Their Distances from the Centre; chapter 10
- 👉Surface area of a Right Circular Cone , volume of a right circular Cone; chapter 13
- 👉Understanding about Mean, median and mode, and difference between them; Chapter 14
- Video should be Good in clarity
- You can also use different teaching aids in their videos such as chart, flash card, any model etc.
Send your video to science city by the 20th December 2020.
Fill the Registration form Given below.
Send your video in our Telegram ID Given Below. Mention Your Details when sending a video.
- please mention your details when sending video in telegram
- mention same mobile number which is used in registration.
Just click on the Telegram Logo above you will be directed to the our official account. However if you are unable to open try searching below id in your Telegram App.
Contact Us
If you need any kind of assistance or help Regarding this event, just contact us by Phone: You may ask for Mr. Naman Bhatt regarding this event. 02782205220