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ScienceCity is organizing this program to cultivate attitude and develops the power of celestial observation to Children, teachers and people who interested in astronomical events and want to get basic knowledge about astronomy, to be Familiar with stars and planets and find their place in the sky, to learn about zodiac signs, to understand and observe through their pictures, to understand the importance of astronomical events and become a scientist. For this astronomy clubs will be start in the cities.
To prepare the future astronomers we can start different astronomy clubs so that they can discuss different topics of astronomy and gain the interest in this field.
YouTube Playlist of Past Episodes & Playlist👇
Gujarati and English medium standard 6 to college students, parents, teachers, astronomers
Program held on every Tuesday in sequence: ♦18-May, ♦25-May, ♦1-Jun, ♦8-Jun, ♦15-Jun, ♦22-Jun, ♦29-Jun, ♦6-Jul, ♦13-Jul, ♦20-Jul
Timing: 4 to 5 PM
(*changes may possible as per requirement.)
Anyone who wants to participate has to register.
Every participator will be awarded with digital certificates. after registration completed you will see links of WhatsApp/Telegram group & by clicking on them you can join us our WhatsApp/Telegram groups.

Members who join the program from the beginning will be able to take advantage of the program. As well as helping to develop astronomy clubs in their area / school will be able to do an excellent job of spreading astronomical events.
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These webinars are organized in GoogleMeet.only registered participants are able to join the webinars